Day 6: Alternative Pop Music Build

Hello everyone this is the final blog post before the premiere of Alternative Pop drops. And I will make another blog post to let everyone know where to find the link of the video for everyone to see & hear. So without further due let’s get started with this blog post.

Day 5: Alternative Pop Music Build

One ☝🏿 more post before the premiere of the Alternative Pop single is dropped. So if you stuck around this long, would only mean that you guys are just as excited as I am to finally get to hear my new single. So let’s this blog post started.

Day 4: Alternative Pop Music Build

It’s getting closer everyone the premiere of my new song Alternative Pop. Are you guys excited? I am specially since it’s a surprise to me as well. So like I said it’s getting close, two more post before the new song premiere here. So let’s get started.

Day 3: Alternative Pop Music Build

Welcome back for another Blog Installment of New Music Builds. Yes I might be making these a little off but I have been working long hours at work now to the point where I kinda have to do these blog posts more often than not so I won’t ruin the surprise that I have at the end of the week for you guys as well. While also it’s a surprise for me as well. So let’s get things started.

Trademark Your Name: A Musician’s Guide

While you certainly can perform shows and release music with a name that isn’t trademarked, doing so isn’t generally recommended. Here Randi Zimmerman walks us through the necessary steps for securing a trademark for your band/artist name.

A Trap Story Check out my latest video!!!

4 Tips For Discovering New Fans Through Blogging

Don’t stop at music blogs though—think about some of your greatest passions and hobbies and look for guest blog opportunities on those sites. For instance, if you and your band are passionate about skateboarding, and incorporate it into a lot of your videos, photos, etc, approach a few skateboard-centric blogs and pitch a few topics that you think might be of interest. (Remember: pitching topics is important. You want them to be able to visualize what you’re offering, not leave it to them to come up with an idea).

5 Ways Fans Can Help Music Chart

Getting your music to rank on one of the Billboard charts can often be the big break that helps kick an artists career up to the next level, and if you have a single or new album headed for release, there are a few things your fans can do for you that are guaranteed to up your music’s chances of charting.